A Global Moment // Student Spotlight: Danxuan Yang

{Student Spotlight posts serve as a platform for students to share with the Naropa community a piece of themselves through a personal project highlighting their academic/creative passion. Please contact adavis@naropa.edu for our NaropaTLC submission guidelines. We welcome submissions from all current Naropa students!}


Student: Danxuan Yang
Degree program/major: Undergraduate, Contemplative Psychology
Year at Naropa: First semester, sophomore
Hails from: Sichuan Province, China


Yi Minority Ethnic Groups’ Culture in China

Continue reading “A Global Moment // Student Spotlight: Danxuan Yang”

Event Blast: Practice Day 2014

Naropa’s Community Practice Day is a unique event held each semester, typically on Tuesday of the eighth week of the semester. On this day, administrative offices are closed and classes are not held. The entire community is invited to participate. This year, Practice Day is on Tuesday, October 7th.

The day opens with a session of sitting and walking meditation, followed by a main talk presented by a faculty panel or guest speaker on a specific theme. Some of the themes in past years have been “Spiritual but Not Religious”, “Body Fullness”, and “Writing from the Lip of the Void”. The theme for Fall 2014 is “Celebrating Body, Speech, and Mind through Stillness and Movement.”
In the afternoon, individuals can select several workshops in which to engage. The workshops give participants an opportunity to explore various contemplative practices, some of which include movement, art-making, yoga, music, prayer, meditation, engaged social activities, and awareness around environmental issues, sustainability, and diversity. Also included are practices from various traditions and religious orientations such as Sufism, Paganism, Christianity, and Buddhism. The focus of these workshops is on experience and enjoyment of a variety of mindfulness practices that are foundational to Naropa’s contemplative pedagogy.
Most of all, Practice Day gives us an opportunity to strengthen our sense of community by joining in activities outside of our usual roles so that we may develop a deeper appreciation for the work that we do together in our daily roles as students, staff, and faculty.
We look forward to sharing in practice with you! Below is the schedule for Practice Day.

Continue reading “Event Blast: Practice Day 2014”

Event Blast: Graduate School & You Series

The Office of Admissions, Undergraduate Advising, Graduate School of Psychology, and Career and Community Engagement invite you to join them for the Graduate School and You Series.  This series of workshops supports any student or alum interested in learning more about the graduate school search and application processes.  Facilitators of the workshops will help you from the very beginning phases of exploring graduate school options to the final phases of applying and interviewing for programs.

Continue reading “Event Blast: Graduate School & You Series”

Welcome: Root and Connect


The seeds of this blog were planted in 2013, with the introduction of an e-newsletter hosted by The Learning Commons (TLC). The intention was to spread valuable information about TLC through an accessible platform. While the e-newsletter didn’t take off beyond its initial conception (which resulted in just one issue), its purpose remained relevant and the vision has evolved into the development of this community blog.


Through this channel, we will bring you exciting and useful information, including timely announcements; info on upcoming events and happenings; student, staff, faculty, and alumni spotlights; anecdotes; stories and more!


We are launching NaropaTLC.com on the Equinox, a biannual 24-hour period when the sun shines directly on the equator and day and night are equal. The Autumnal Equinox is also a nod toward harvest time and offers an opportunity to reflect on the evolution that has brought us to this moment — to the seeds planted in seasons past now bearing fruit. We see this blog as one of the many fruits of labor and collaboration ripening in The Learning Commons as a result of years of deepening partnerships, and we offer it as a medium to further root together and connect in celebration of a continually growing, vibrant community.


We look forward to your participation in this project and are grateful for your support. Please visit us regularly and spread the word about NaropaTLC.com!


Alix and Lily


Alix Whitney Davis (Blog Moderator)               
Administrative Assistant              
Lily Laxshmi Board
Director, Undergraduate Academic Advising & The Learning Commons