A Global Moment: Inaugural Bhutan Trip // Blog Announcement

Dear Naropa Community,

As you may be aware, this spring is the first semester of Naropa’s Bhutan Study Abroad (BSA) program, in partnership with the Royal University of Bhutan. Our inaugural group of BSA students have landed in Bhutan and are currently participating in a 3-week orientation prior to settling in at their chosen Royal University of Bhutan campus. This semester’s lead faculty, Anne Parker, has shared some beautiful photos of their journey on her Naropa blog. Naropa’s Study Abroad Department invites you to join this group in their adventure by visiting Anne’s blog at:


If these photos pique your interest in this unique opportunity, please visit http://www.naropa.edu/Bhutan to learn more about the program. Applications for the spring 2016 Bhutan Study Abroad program will open on March 1st, 2015.
Please contact Mari Dark, Study Abroad Administrator, directly if you’d like to discuss this program in more detail!

Enjoy the photos and please check back often to follow the journey of this group of Naropa pioneers!

Submitted by:
Mari Dark // Study Abroad Administrator
mdark@naropa.edu // 720-254-8807

A Global Moment // Student Spotlight: Danxuan Yang

{Student Spotlight posts serve as a platform for students to share with the Naropa community a piece of themselves through a personal project highlighting their academic/creative passion. Please contact adavis@naropa.edu for our NaropaTLC submission guidelines. We welcome submissions from all current Naropa students!}


Student: Danxuan Yang
Degree program/major: Undergraduate, Contemplative Psychology
Year at Naropa: First semester, sophomore
Hails from: Sichuan Province, China


Yi Minority Ethnic Groups’ Culture in China

Continue reading “A Global Moment // Student Spotlight: Danxuan Yang”