A Global Moment // Student Spotlight: Danxuan Yang

{Student Spotlight posts serve as a platform for students to share with the Naropa community a piece of themselves through a personal project highlighting their academic/creative passion. Please contact adavis@naropa.edu for our NaropaTLC submission guidelines. We welcome submissions from all current Naropa students!}


Student: Danxuan Yang
Degree program/major: Undergraduate, Contemplative Psychology
Year at Naropa: First semester, sophomore
Hails from: Sichuan Province, China


Yi Minority Ethnic Groups’ Culture in China

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Event Blast: Thank-a-Thon

Cultivate gratitude at Gratitude Week’s Thank-a-Thon



Students are invited to join in Gratitude Week (beginning November 17th) by volunteering for Thank-a-Thon. This is a phone bank effort to say thank you to our donors, alumni, volunteers, staff, faculty, trustees, and parents that do so much to support you, our students. In fact, you’d be welcome to call your fellow students, too. We want to send gratitude from Naropa out into the world and you are the best ambassadors.

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Community Offering: Gratitude Grams

Purchase a Gratitude Gram to express your appreciation for the people in your life who make you feel warm and fuzzy. Proceeds will go towards the Alternative Break Fund which supports the Naropa service class and alternative spring break trip.


Help our community in creating a culture of gratitude & support the Alternative Break trip!

Continue reading “Community Offering: Gratitude Grams”